Machine learning is applied to share price analysis.
The share price histogram is divided into windows
from which the future predictions are made.
The model uses tensorflow and keras. The model accuracy
can be over 90% depending on how the initial conditions are set.
The study bases on a geometrical phase associated to the
Schrödinger equation in a three level
When two Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage (STIRAP)
processes are applied in a row; first the counterintuitive process and
then the intuitive order process, the population is transferred back to the initial
quantum state.
The phase of the new state can be well controlled.
As an example, let's assume we have two states; the initial state \(\psi_1(x) \),
the final state \(\psi_2(x) \) and the time shift between the laser pulses is
\( \Delta T = 1/6 \).
After the quantum transitions, the final state has obtained a phase \(\psi_2(x) = \psi_1(x)\exp(i\pi/6) \).
The probabilities of the wave functions are the same \(|\psi_1|^2 = |\psi_2|^2\),
but the quantum state is different. The situation is shown in the enclosed figure.
The applications include,
for example,
phase manipulation in quantum cryptography,
phase gates in quantum computing and
phase interactions in quantum interference.
More details about the theory is
More topics about quantum computing and quantum cryptography, e.g.